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Tropical Leaves

What is TUSOL?

TUSOL represents  the first letters of each word of the original title I wrote for the book, The Unseen Stuff Of Life.  I had been documenting my journey of learning from my Angels, Spirit Guides, Masters and Souls (that are no longer in bodies on Earth), since 1998.  That's when I first began communicating with my Angels.  The book was suggested to me by my Angels in a session with Maria Peth in 2004.  She is an amazing, loving, sharing Angel Therapist that told me that my Angels were telling her that I was to write the book.  I went home from that trip to Iowa and started writing the book.  I stopped writing from time to time, because I was being taught lessons for upcoming chapters that couldn't be written yet without absorbing the knowledge into myself.  For years I asked my Angels if the book was done yet.  For years the answer was No!  Then in 2020, the answer was Yes!


The first part of the book before chapter 9, is done from notes that I wrote when conversing with my Angels and Guides. Some parts of the book from chapter 9 to the end, were written automatically where I asked the Angels to send the information through me and my hand wrote it down.  Most of the material came when praying or meditating.  Learning with my Angels will continue.  Hopefully, those people that have had similar experiences as me, will find comfort in knowing they are not alone.  I encourage them to share their experiences with me and others if their Angels and guides say it is okay.  Those that don't accept or believe any of TUSOL, I get it. I send all who read this my love and best wishes on your journey through this life.  


-Carl Schleuder, October 2020

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